Welcome to Observations from Life!


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You're Right! Only Jesus can fix it!
I agree with most of what you said. However, it lacks the reality of the Word that says that in the last days the Spirit of Apostasy takes over. Hence one must be vigilant that this time is NOW. The false Prophet that opens the doors to the Antichrist, is now in action and since his election on March 13, 2013, the Church of Christ is NO MORE. Now it is time for the enemy to reign, take over and instill the Apostasy, support it and endeavors to REMOVE Jesus from the hearts of all. The Roman Catholic Church WAS one of the 24 branches of Catholicism (the largest) that Jesus established to help FORM His People. However, it has come to an end... just like the Temple in Jerusalem before it was destroyed in 60 AD. Hence, the Rapture/Harpazo is upon us!!! Let us rejoice and encourage each other in this knowledge spoken by Jesus Himself, Paul & Peter! It is in His Word! A teaching that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy ignored! Hence I hold on to my Catholic Roots of Vatican 1, and I keep the Lord's day Holy by praying and keeping the Sunday Tradition in my home. Praying the Rosary, and YES! Telling people that come into my path, that Jesus is Lord; that He's the LOVER of our souls; our Messiah! I work at fulfilling the great Commission! As given by Jesus! Not EVERYONE is going to be saved... why? Because not everyone wants to be... Jesus Cries for ALL... for He calls His Children to be Holy and not be of this world as we live in it.

Gratitude and Empathy and Spirituality
I am truly grateful for this podcast and getting to know Scott a bit better through his amazing vulnerability and caring through sharing his journey and insights. I found his recent episodes to be some of the bravest and most spiritually meaningful stories I have ever heard. Thank you, Scott.

Emily readings
Your sharing of your week and reading brought both tears and smiles. You willingness to share all the information is meaningful to all that listen. Surrounding you with white light and love.

Gentle kindness and good listening
I’m grateful for this podcast.

Great podcast
I love listening to and I loved being on this podcast! Scott is awesome :)