June 15, 2022

Observations with Stephen Martin

Observations with Stephen Martin

This was a fascinating conversation covering everything from reincarnation to the meaning of life to trying to figure out why those UFOs show up in our lives. Stephen had great insight, research, and stories to share.

Stephen Hawley Martin Profile Photo

Stephen Hawley Martin


Stephen Hawley Martin is a marketing consultant, an award-winning author, and a former advertising agency CEO and principal who is also the author of more than three dozen books. He has written five published novels, half a dozen business books, and quite a large number of metaphysical investigations. From an early age, Stephen has had a strong desire to understand the true nature of reality, and in pursuit of this desire in his mid-twenties joined the Rosicrucian Order, an organization that studies and practices the laws of metaphysics. Over a number of years, he rose from the rank of Novice to Adept. Stephen's best selling book is "Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die."