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Steve Schalchlin

Steve Schalchlin Profile Photo

Singer / Songwriter / pioneering blogger / actor

Steve Schalchlin is an Arkansas-born, New York City-based multi-award winning composer, lyricist, pianist and performer who believes in the healing power of music, crediting the writing of the score of his Off-Broadway hit musical The Last Session as having saved his life. As a performer, he has appeared on many stages across the country, including L.A., Houston, Dallas, Off-Broadway and at such prestigious venues as Harvard University, Stanford University, Indiana University, Penn State, and many other major universities, colleges, high schools, concert halls, coffee houses and living rooms.

June 14, 2023

Living in the Bonus Round

Steve is a multi-award winning composer, lyricist, pianist, and performer who believes in the healing power of music, crediting the writing of the score of his Off-Broadway hit musical The Last Session, as having saved his life. He shares his life story, a gay man who grew up in a very conservative…